Thursday, February 21, 2019

Its Electoral!

Electoral Connection with Representative Jim Jordan 

Image result for jim jordan election


Ohio's 4th Congressional District Election 2018

Primary Election: Jim Jordan (R) vs. Joseph Muller (R)
Jim Jordan (R)-56,191 votes (85.3%)
Joseph Muller (R)-9,646 votes (14.7%)

General Election: Jim Jordan (R-Incumbent) vs. Janet Garrett (D-Challenger)
Jim Jordan (R)-167,993 votes (65.3%)
Janet Garrett (D)-89,412 (34.7%) 
Margin of Victory: 78,581 votes 

In the 2018 General Election Democratic Challenger Janet Garrett mainly attacked Representative Jordan on voting record in regards to women's issues and his response to abuse at Ohio State. Her Handmaid's Tail' inspired attack ad, along with her specific criticism and some brief campaign information can be found on NBC's website. 

Prediction: Representative Jim Jordan enjoys a safe seat, in fact in the past three General Elections, he has won with almost double the number of votes received by the Democrat candidate.

2016 General Election: Jim Jordan (R-Incumbent) vs. Janet Garrett (D-Challenger)
Jim Jordan (R)-210,227 (68%)
Janet Garrett (D)- 98,981 (32%)

**Janet Garrett (D) has ran as Representative Jordan's challenger in 2014,2016, and 2018.

Campaign Finance:

Campaign Committee Fundraising 2017-2018

Raised: $1,239,307
Spent: $1,830,319
Cash on hand: $722,675
Debts: $0

Top Contributors 2017-2018:

House Freedom Fund: $38,050
Alphabet Inc.: $11,000
Lakeview Farms: $10,800
American Dental Association: $10,000
American Kidney Stone Management: $10,000 

Top Industry Contributors 2017-2018

Republican/Conservative: $73,610
Retired: $55,536
Leadership PACS: $48,200
Lawyers/Law Firms: $33, 560
Automotive: $23,950

Source of Funds (Campaign Committee) 2017-2018

Small Individual Contributions (<$200): $346,363 (27.95%)
Large Individual Contributions: $571,362 (46.10%)
PAC Contributions: $305,890 (24.68%)
Other: $15,693 (1.27%)


On Congressman Jim Jordan's official website he outlines the most important issues to him, as follows: Agriculture, Constitutional Rights, Budget and Fiscal Issues, Defense, Education, Energy and Natural Resources, Government Reform, Healthcare, Immigration, Pro-Life and Family Issues, Social Security, Taxes, Veterans, and FY2010 Appropriations Requests.

Recent Interview on Immigration:

Representative Jordan's official stance on immigration is as follows, "I am steadfastly against illegal immigration and amnesty for illegal immigrants. My strategy for dealing with the many problems posted by illegal immigration is threefold: secure the border, robustly enforce our immigration laws and fix the system so that it works for those who want to come to our country legally—by working hard, learning the language and becoming Americans. Our country has always been a nation of immigrants. In large part, this is what has made us great, but illegal immigration is unfair to the many people from around the world who want to come to the United States legally, as well as being a serious threat to our homeland security."

Recently Representative Jordan was a guest on ABC's "This Week With George Stephanopolous," where he strongly criticized Democrats opposition to strengthening the border, building a wall, and their want to abolish ICE. He also emphasized the problem with drug trafficking across the southern border. 

Image result for jim jordan immigration

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