Sunday, February 10, 2019

Blog #1: Representative Jordan

Representative Jim Jordan


Education: BS in Economics from University Of Wisconsin; MA in Education from Ohio State University; JD in Law from Capital University 

Representative Jim Jordan is a career politician representing the state where aviation was born, Ohio. He was first elected to the Ohio General Assembly in 1994, where he served three terms as State Representative of Ohio’s fourth district. He then upgraded to the Ohio Senate, representing District 12 from 2000 to 2006. Since 2006, he has served as a representative in the U.S. House for Ohio’s fourth district. His current tenure in the House of Representatives is 12 years. 
Representative Jordan was born, raised and currently resides in Champaign County, Ohio with his wife Polly (whom he has been dating since the age of 13) and their four children: Benjamin, Jesse, Rachel, and Isaac. The Jordans are christian and are actively involved in their local Protestant church. (

Career details:
Representative Jordan is a ultra Republican and major Trump ally. He currently sits on two committees and two subcommittees; those committees include: Judiciary, Oversight and Reform, Subcommittee on Constitution Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and the Subcommittee in courts, intellectual property, and the internet. Out of all the legislation that Representative Jordan sponsors, 38% is in the issue area of Crime and Law Enforcement, another 38% in Social Welfare, and the other prominent area being government operations and politics. He scores high with right wing interest groups and astoundingly low with left wing social and economic interest groups; for example, Representative Jordan scores 100% with Freedom works and 99% with Americans for prosperity, meanwhile scoring 0% with the Planned Parent Action Fund, 0% with the Human Rights Campaign, and 17% with the ACLU. (
Although Representative Jordan normally follows Trumps lead in supporting legislation, there are a couple instances where he went against the president; these instances include voting against: 2018 Farm Bill, the Republican “compromise” immigration bill, the 2018 fiscal year appropriations bill, the two year budget bill, and the 2017 fiscal year appropriations bill. Representative Jordan also voted in favor of imposing more sanctions against Russia, Iran, and North Korea, whereas the President opposed such legislation. (
In regards to positions of leadership, Representative Jordan recently (as of November 2018) ran for the House GOP Minority Leader position, but unfortunately fell short to Representative Levin McCarthy’s leadership bid. Besides this loss, Representative Jordan is the cofounder of Conservative Freedom Caucus. (

Fun Facts:
 In high school Representative Jordan was a four-time state champion in wrestling with a career record of 150-1. He continued his wrestling career to the University of Wisconsin where he became a two-time NCAA Wrestling Champion. 
Although his wrestling career is impressive, it unfortunately became a highly criticized component of his career recently. As of recently, former athletes who wrestled for Representative Jordan when he was an assistant wrestling coach at OSU, claim that he knew of and failed to report that the team doctor, Richard Strauss, sexually abused athletes. Representative Jordan denies these claims, stating that he knew nothing of the allegations. (

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